Train ticket types
At Northern we have plenty of train ticket types that enable you to save money across our 500 stations in the North and beyond. Our Advanced tickets are up to 60% off and our Duo tickets allow you to save 25% when travelling together.
Save on the day
Barcode Season Tickets
Flexi Season tickets
Rangers and Rovers
Anytime train tickets
Off-peak train tickets
At Northern we offer a range of ticket types to suit your needs. Travel regularly using our Employee Season Tickets or make the most of all the North has to offer with Kids Go Half Price and our Explorer 55 options.
Train travel tips
Save money on train tickets with Northern and download our app for all the latest travel updates, ticket alerts and offers for the best prices.
Other ways to save
Money saving tips from Northern on how to take advantage of train tickets offers and find the right one for your journey. Our expert knowledge can help you save money. Navigate through the ticket offers below to find out how. You can also read more about all the ways to buy cheap train tickets.
Make sure to compare your train vs car journey with our Cost, Time and Carbon Footprint Calculator. It can help you to make informed choices about your travel and compare your train journey to the same journey via car to see how you can save pennies, time and reduce your carbon footprint.