A simple way to swap trains
Change your train, not your plans!
Did you know Advanced train tickets can only be used on the exact train you chose when buying? Unlike open tickets, such as Off Peak or Anytime, Advanced tickets offer no flexibility – they do offer the cheapest prices though!
That’s why we teamed up with SeatFrog to bring you Train Swap!
Train Swap allows you to swap the departure time of your Advanced train ticket for another same-day Northern service. You can make the changes one day in advance and right up to 15 minutes before your original train departs.
It's easily done in just a few steps, plus swaps cost as little as £1.50!
Swapping is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Just follow these three simple steps...
There's no need to cancel or amend your original ticket, train swap does all the hard work for you!
Things to remember
On the train
You'll need to show your original ticket and your train swap barcode to the conductor when they ask to see your ticket.
In the station
You'll need to scan your original ticket at the barriers and gate lines in stations.
Frequently asked questions
You'll find these at the bottom of the page.
Don't delay, swap your train ticket ticket today!
Now you have the flexibility to change your train to meet your plans.

Advance train tickets
By purchasing a Northern Advance train ticket, you can choose the best time to travel at the lowest available fare. Advance rail fares are available on selected routes across the Northern network. Advance train tickets are great value Single (one-way) tickets ...
Learn more about advanced train ticketsFrequently asked questions
Advance Single Tickets
Advance Single tickets cannot be refunded but they can be changed.
Change your ticket on the day with Seatfrog Train Swap.
- Visit the Swap website to change your ticket on the day
- Search for your train
- Pick another same-day service. Prices to swap start from £1.50
- Seatfrog will send you a train swap barcode by email to use on board with your original ticket
- You must change your ticket at least 10 mins before your original train is due to depart.
Change your ticket for a different route and/or time of travel
- You need to stick to the same departure and arrival stations
- You must change your ticket at least 15 mins before your original train is due to depart
- The difference in cost between the original and new ticket is charged in addition to a £10 admin fee per ticket per person. It is not possible to purchase a cheaper fare than the original
- To make changes online, please visit My Bookings.
Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak and Anytime tickets
These types of ticket can’t be changed, sorry. But, they are refundable so you can cancel these and buy the new ones you want. Just check out our FAQ for cancelling bookings.
Just to remind you that these tickets are flexible tickets, so it’s worth first double checking to see if they are valid for the new time or date you want to travel.
No, you can only swap your train ticket for one departing on the same day as your original ticket.
You can change the departure time though, for another same-day train!
No, the origin and destination station will remain the same when swapping a ticket.
It's best to check availability before swapping your train.
You can book Passenger Assistance by calling 0800 1385 560 or by booking directly through the Passenger Assistance website
You'll need to show the conductor both your original ticket and your train swap barcode during their ticket check.
Your train swap barcode will be sent to you via email. Remember to show the conductor this barcode and your original ticket when on board the train.
*Available for Advance Tickets only. Swap your purchased Advance Ticket for another Northern service using Seatfrog. Ticket can be swapped up to 15 minutes prior to purchased tickets departure time. £1.50 starting swap fee available until 31st March 2025.