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Northern’s vision is ‘to make a positive impact for the North in all we do and for we serve’. Social value is at the core of that vision. For us, social value means the wider benefits we bring to people, the environment, and the economy in the North. 

Understanding our current impact is crucial for shaping our future decisions and increasing the social value we bring to customers, colleagues and communities. To get a clear picture of this impact, we look at how we’ve invested our resources and the resulting social, economic, and environmental outcomes.  ​

​We operate on a huge geographical network and as such the challenges faced by the communities we serve are diverse and require us to respond in a targeted and considered way in order to truly meet those differing needs. ​

​Our goal is to grow our impact, utilising every opportunity available to us in order to make the most meaningful and sustainable impact we can in the North.

Social Value Report​

​Our Social Value Report gives a detailed explanation of Northern’s socio-economic impact across our business. We’ve written this report with input from our colleagues and stakeholders who have helped us to understand what we’re doing now, strengths lie and how best we can move forward and grow our impact. Our social value has been measured using the Rail Safety and Standards Board’s online Rail Social Value Tool. 

To read more download our 2023 - 24 Social Value Report below.

Social Value Report 2023 - 2024

PDF document detailing Social Value Report for 2023 - 2024.

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Northern App

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