Trains from Acklington
to Swineshead
From £102.50
Acklington to Swinesheadby train on average takes 10 hrs 22 mins
Acklington to Swineshead one way only
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Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 237 minutes
- First train leaves Acklington at 07:43
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Acklington to Swineshead train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration |
Acklington facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Smartcard IssuedNo
- Smartcard ValidatorNo
- Smartcard Comments
More information at www.northernrailway.co.uk/smart
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting Room
There is a waiting room provided on southbound platform.
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
Pick up and drop off at the entrance to the station car park
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing Levelunstaffed
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/08002006060 - Open
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
- Information Available From StaffIf the station is unstaffed, please contact the customer relations team or onboard staff
- Information Services Open
Information available from Help Point 24/7.
- Customer Help PointsYes
Combined payphone and help point Platform 1
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
Email Address: enquiries@northernrailway.co.uk
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0800 200 6060 - Operator NameNorthern
- NameStation Car Park
- Spaces20
- ChargesFree
- Number Accessible Spaces0
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
- CctvNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces8
- ShelteredYes
- CctvNo
- Location
Within carpark
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
- Staff Help AvailableNo
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
- Category B Station
partial step free access. Level access to Edinburgh platform, ramped access to Newcastle platform. Long step-free route between platforms via unlit road with no pavement, steep in places
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownYes
no specified set down point but the car park has level access to the station
Station Message
This station has Barrow or Level crossing. We do not recommend that you use it without assistance.
Swineshead facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeNo
- Smartcard IssuedNo
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for EM
- Facilities
- Car ParkNo
- Seated AreaNo
- Waiting RoomNo
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesNo
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
In the Station Car Park, in├┐front of the Barge Hotel, at the junction of the├┐A1121 and the A17.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing Levelunstaffed
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/03457 125678 - AvailableNo
- Operator NameEMR lost property office is located at Nottingham. We will try to contact the owner if they can be identified, the item will be kept for 3 months (unless it is perishable) and a record is kept.
- Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
- Customer Help PointsYes
- Ticket gatesNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces3
- ShelteredNo
- CctvNo
- Location
Rear of Platform 1.
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
08000 11 33 23
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Staff Help Available
Assistance provided by on-train staff.
- Staff help available opening hours
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
- Ramp For Train AccessNo
- Accessible Taxis
Barnes 01526 833863
- Accessible Public Telephones
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
Category B. This station has a degree of step free access to the platform which may be in both directions or in one direction only - please check for details.
Level access to Skegness bound platform. Foot crossing to Grantham bound platform. Not suitable for disabled assistance.
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo