Trains from Barnsley Train Station
to Cadoxton
From £76.80
Barnsley Train Station to Cadoxtonby train on average takes 5 hrs 9 mins
Barnsley Train Station to Cadoxton one way only
Quick Links
Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 35 minutes
- First train leaves Barnsley Train Station at 05:23
- Last train leaves Barnsley Train Station at 18:22
Book your tickets
Barnsley to Cadoxton train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration |
Barnsley Train Station facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Prepurchase CollectionYes
- Ticket MachineYes
- Smartcard IssuedYes
- Smartcard TopupYes
- Smartcard ValidatorNo
- Smartcard Comments
More information at www.northernrailway.co.uk/smart
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsYes
There is a 20p charge for the public toilet. Disabled customers can ring the bell to be allowed in free of charge. Toilets are available from the first to last train service
- Accessible toiletsYes
- Baby ChangeYes
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Atm MachineYes
Located outside the station
- ShopsYes
- Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off at the layby on Schwabisch Gmund Way next to the booking office
What3words - never.scout.visual
- Toilets
- AvailableYes
- Location
There is a 20p charge for the public toilet. Disabled customers can ring the bell to be allowed in free of charge. Toilets are available from the first to last train service
- Accessible toiletsYes
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing LevelPart time
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/08002006060 - Open
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
- Information Available From StaffIf the station is unstaffed, please contact the customer relations team or onboard staff
- Information Services Open
Information available from Help Point 24/7.
- Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Announcements - Customer Help PointsYes
Platforms 1&2
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
Car park is free car park and for RAIL USERS ONLY please leave your vehicle registration details with he ticket office staff before travelling by train.
Email Address: enquiries@northernrailway.co.uk
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0800 200 6060 - NameStation Car Park
- Spaces76
- ChargesFree
- Number Accessible Spaces6
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
- CctvNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces24
- ShelteredYes
- CctvYes
- Location
Platform 1
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
- Staff Help AvailableYes
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
Accepts Cash & Cards
- Height Adjusted Ticket Office CounterNo
staff will come out of the office to assist
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible toiletsYes
- Step Free Access
- Category B Station
- Scooter Friendly Station
This station is only staffed for some of the day. Assistance available during booking office hours. There are 2 platforms at the station which can be accessed via the lift with level access from station entrance. Accessible pick up and set down points. Lifts open for all train services.
To find our more about travelling around this station, please see the 360 map click here
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownYes
level access from station entrance.
- Wheelchairs AvailableYes
Station Message
Buses replace trainsTravelling between Cardiff Central "ô Barry Island and Bridgend? Buses will replace trains Saturday 29 March - Friday 04 April. Check before you travel tfw.wales.
Cadoxton facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Prepurchase CollectionTicket Office: Yes
Ticket Machine: Yes - Ticket MachineYes
- Smartcard IssuedNo
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Penalty FaresTrain Operator: AW
Url: https://tfwrail.wales/policies-and-reports/revenue-protection-policy
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesNo
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
The rail replacement bus stop is the local bus stop on Vere Street, near the junction with Northcote Terrace.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing LevelPart time
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/03333 211 202 - AvailableYes
- Operator Name
- Information Available From StaffYes - from ticket office
Yes - from help point - Information Services Open
Information available during ticket office opening times.
- Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Arrival Screens
Announcements - Customer Help PointsYes
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/03333 211 202 - Operator NameTransport for Wales
- NameStation Car Park
- Spaces31
- ChargesFree
- Number Accessible Spaces0
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
- CctvYes
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces0
- ShelteredNo
- CctvNo
- Accessibility
- Helpline
03333 211202
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 08:00 to 20:00
- Staff Help AvailableYes
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
The ticket machine(s) do not accept cash. Payment is by major debit and credit cards only.
- Height Adjusted Ticket Office CounterYes
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible TaxisNo
- Accessible Public TelephonesNo
- Nearest stations with more facilitiesBarry Island
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
Category A.
Step free access is available throughout the station. Access to Platforms 1 and 2 is available via footbridge and lifts.
Wheelchair space is available within the platform waiting shelter, help points, and emergency evacuation refuge points are available at either end of the platform
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
- Wheelchairs AvailableNo