Trains from Langley Mill
to New Holland
From £41.00
Langley Mill to New Hollandby train on average takes 3 hrs 57 mins
Langley Mill to New Holland one way only
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Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 117 minutes
- First train leaves Langley Mill at 05:51
- Last train leaves Langley Mill at 18:36
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Langley Mill to New Holland train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration | ||
Station Message
Incorrect platform information may be showing for this station - Trains towards Sheffield / Leeds depart from Platform 1, and trains towards Nottingham depart from Platform 2.
Langley Mill facilities
Ticket office
Ticket OfficeNo
Ticket MachineYes
Smartcard IssuedNo
Smartcard ValidatorNo
Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for EM
Car ParkNo
Seated AreaNo
Waiting RoomNo
Station BuffetNo
Accessible toiletsNo
Baby ChangeNo
Wi Fi
Rail replacement locations
Outside station - opposite Acorn Stores.
Accessible toiletsNo
Staffing and customer services
Staffing Levelunstaffed
Lost propertyYes
Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/03457 125678 -
Operator NameEMR lost property office is located at Nottingham. We will try to contact the owner if they can be identified, the item will be kept for 3 months (unless it is perishable) and a record is kept.
Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
Customer Help PointsYes
Platforms 1 & 2
Ticket gatesNo
Bicycle Facilities
08000 11 33 23
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ -
Staff Help Available
Assistance provided by on-train staff.
Staff help available opening hours
Induction LoopYes
Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
Ramp For Train AccessNo
Accessible Taxis
Royal Cabs 0115 9 608 608
Accessible Public Telephones
Accessible toiletsNo
Step Free Access
Category B.
Platform 1 has step free access via a ramp with moderate gradient. Platform 2 has no step free access.
Ticket GatesNo
Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
New Holland facilities
Ticket office
Ticket OfficeYes
Smartcard IssuedNo
Smartcard ValidatorNo
Smartcard Comments
More information at www.northernrailway.co.uk/smart
Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
Car ParkYes
Seated AreaNo
Waiting RoomNo
No waiting rooms at the station. Shelters provided on the 1 and only platform.
Station BuffetNo
Accessible toiletsNo
Baby ChangeNo
Wi Fi
Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off in the layby outside the Lincoln Castle Hotel
Accessible toiletsNo
Staffing and customer services
Staffing Levelunstaffed
Lost propertyYes
Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/08002006060 -
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
Information Services Open
Information available from Help Point 24/7.
Customer Help PointsYes
Platform 1
Ticket gatesNo
Contact Details0800 200 6060
Operator NameNorthern
NameStation Car Park
Number Accessible Spaces0
Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
Bicycle Facilities
Station entrance.
From Sunday 20 May 2018, if you're travelling with TransPennine Express and would like to bring your bike on board, you'll need to reserve a space for it in advance.
Bike reservations will remain free of charge.
How to book a bike space:
Customers can make a reservation using the methods below, and must do so at least 24 hours in advance of travel:
By phone:- Call 0345 600 1671 (select Option 3)
Online: - When you're buying tickets through tpexpress.co.uk you will be given the option to book a space for your bike.
At the booking office: - Bike reservations can be requested at any booking office.
08000 11 33 23
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ -
Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
Staff Help AvailableNo
Induction LoopYes
Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
Ramp For Train AccessYes
Accessible TaxisNo
Nearest stations with more facilitiesBarton-on-Humber
Accessible toiletsNo
Step Free Access
Category A station, Station is unstaffed. Access to the station is via the main road which is step free so no problem for disabled customers onto the only platform.
Ticket GatesNo
Impaired Mobility Set DownYes
Access to the station is via the main road which is step free so no problem for disabled customers onto the only platform. Unable to convey wheelchairs on the first services.