Trains from Longport
to Attleborough
From £85.90
Longport to Attleboroughby train on average takes 4 hrs 34 mins
Longport to Attleborough one way only
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Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 51 minutes
- First train leaves Longport at 06:27
- Last train leaves Longport at 19:05
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Longport to Attleborough train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration | ||
11:52 Longport On Time | 16:15 Attleborough On Time | Anytime Single, West Midlands Trains | 4h 23m, 3 changes | ||
12:52 Longport On Time | 17:15 Attleborough On Time | Anytime Single, West Midlands Trains | 4h 23m, 3 changes | ||
13:52 Longport On Time | 18:26 Attleborough On Time | Anytime Single, West Midlands Trains | 4h 34m, 3 changes | ||
14:52 Longport On Time | 19:27 Attleborough On Time | Anytime Single, West Midlands Trains | 4h 35m, 3 changes | ||
15:52 Longport On Time | 20:23 Attleborough On Time | Anytime Single, West Midlands Trains | 4h 31m, 3 changes |
Longport facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeNo
- Ticket MachineYes
- Smartcard IssuedNo
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for EM
- Facilities
- Car ParkNo
- Seated AreaNo
- Waiting RoomNo
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesNo
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
At the station entrance.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing Levelunstaffed
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/03457 125678 - AvailableNo
- Operator NameEMR lost property office is located at Nottingham. We will try to contact the owner if they can be identified, the item will be kept for 3 months (unless it is perishable) and a record is kept.
- Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
- Customer Help PointsYes
Platforms 1 & 2
- Ticket gatesNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces4
- ShelteredNo
- CctvYes
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
08000 11 33 23
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Staff Help Available
Assistance provided by on-train staff.
- Staff help available opening hours
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
- Ramp For Train AccessNo
- Accessible Taxis
Euro 01782 314444
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
Category B. This station has a degree of step free access to the platform which may be in both directions or in one direction only - please check for details.
Wheelchair users may need assistance on Platform 1 as there are no lowered kerbs on the pavements and the gradient of the ramp to the platform is steep. The gradient of the ramp to Platform 2 is moderate.
This station has tactile paving at the edge of each platform.
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
Attleborough facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeNo
- Prepurchase CollectionYes
- Ticket MachineYes
- Smartcard IssuedNo
- Smartcard TopupYes
- Smartcard ValidatorNo
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for LE
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting RoomNo
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Post BoxYes
- Rail replacement locations
Rail replacement bus services pick up and drop off on Station Road, by the entrance to the station car park.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing Levelunstaffed
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Detailshttps://www.greateranglia.co.uk/lost-property
- Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
- Information Services Open
Help points at this station are available for customers to use 24/7
- Passenger Information SystemsDepartureScreens
- Customer Help PointsYes
Help points can be found at the following location(s):
- Platform 1 (for trains towards Wymondham, Norwich) - Fixed to the platform-facing wall of the former station building, under the blue 'Information' sign
- Platform 2 (for trains towards Thetford, Ely, Cambridge) - Fixed to the inside wall to the right of the covered waiting area, under the canopy
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
Email Address: customer.service@ncp.co.uk
Url: https://www.ncp.co.uk/find-a-car-park/car-parks/attleborough-station-greater-anglia/0345 050 7080 - Operator NameNational Car Parks Ltd
- NameStation Car Park
- Spaces80
- ChargesDaily: £3.00
Annual: £328.00 - Number Accessible Spaces5
- Accessible Spaces Note
Parking is free for disabled customers displaying a valid International Blue Badge
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
- CctvNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces18
- ShelteredYes
- CctvNo
- Location
There are four cycle stands that can be accessed from the station car park, located to the left of the former station buildings behind Platform 1 (for trains towards Wymondham and Norwich). A sheltered cycle parking area providing five cycle stands is on Platform 2 (for trains towards Thetford, Ely, and Cambridge), between the entrance to this platform and the canopy.
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0800 028 28 78
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 08:00 to 20:00
- Staff Help AvailableYes
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible Taxis
Details of nearest taxis are shown on station information poster
- Nearest stations with more facilitiesNorwich
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
This station has step free access to both platforms but from different locations on Station Road, with approximately 30-40 metres between the entrances to each platform from the roadside. The station is split by a busy road with a platform on either side.
This station is a category B1 station according to ORR station classification system. https://www.orr.gov.uk/media/10955
Assistance meeting point is on the platform, next to the yellow boarding ramp.
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo