Trains from Rainhill
to Sydenham Hill
From £64.00
Rainhill to Sydenham Hillby train on average takes 4 hrs 4 mins
Rainhill to Sydenham Hill one way only
Quick Links
Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 20 minutes
- First train leaves Rainhill at 05:58
- Last train leaves Rainhill at 20:21
Book your tickets
Rainhill to Sydenham Hill train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration |
Rainhill facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Ticket MachineYes
- Smartcard IssuedYes
- Smartcard TopupYes
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Smartcard Comments
More information at www.northernrailway.co.uk/smart
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting RoomNo
yes and shelter Mcr side
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off at the bus stop outside the station entrance.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing LevelFull time
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/08002006060 - Open
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
- Information Available From StaffIf the station is unstaffed, please contact the customer relations team or onboard staff
- Information Services Open
Information available from Help Point 24/7.
- Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Announcements - Customer Help PointsYes
Platforms 1&2
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Detailshttps://www.nationalrail.co.uk/
- Spaces0
- ChargesFree
- Number Accessible Spaces2
- Accessible Spaces Note
2 Accessible spaces only - no general parking provision
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentNo
- CctvNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces10
- ShelteredNo
- CctvYes
- Location
Platfrom 2
- Annotation
10 hoops
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
- Staff help available opening hoursMon-Sat 06:00 to 23:50
Sun 08:45 to 00:00 - Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
- Height Adjusted Ticket Office CounterNo
Ticket office staff make every effort to provide the assistance that disabled passengers require.
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Nearest stations with more facilitiesSt Helens JunctionWhiston
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
- Category B Station
Level access to both platforms. However, passengers requiring step-free access to platform 2 should allow up to 20 minutes before train departure to allow ticket purchase from ticket office or TVM on platform 1. Alternatively tickets can be purchased online at www.northernrailway.co.uk
To find our more about travelling around this station, please see the 360 map click here
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
No designated area is provided. Street set down only available. There are now two designated Blue Badge holder parking spaces provided.
Sydenham Hill facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Prepurchase CollectionYes
- Ticket MachineYes
- Oystercard TopupYes
- Oyster Comments
Oyster cards with a pre-loaded deposit only are available from ticket office. Top-up only from self-service ticket machine(s)
- Smartcard IssuedYes
- Smartcard TopupYes
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Smartcard Comments
Seasons, Single and Return tickets are now available digitally on The Key. To find out more or apply online, go to www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/tickets/the-key or get a smartcard from all staffed Southeastern ticket offices.
- TravelcardZone 3
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for SE
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting Room
Heated waiting area in booking hall only available when staff are present
- Station BuffetYes
Coffee kiosk
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
Towards Penge East: Bus stop N on Kingswood Drive
Towards West Dulwich: Bus stop D on Kingswood Drive
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing LevelPart time
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0345 322 7021 - AvailableYes
- Operator NameSoutheastern Customer Services
- Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
- Information Services Open
Train running Information and advice on how to get assistance available through the Help Point.
- Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Announcements - Customer Help PointsYes
On platform
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
From 5th March 2023 - new off peak evening rate (after 18:00) - £2.50
Email Address: general.enquiries@apcoa.com
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0330 333 9232 - Operator NameAPCOA Parking
- NameStation Car Park
- Spaces16
- ChargesOff-peak: £5.80
Daily: £6.40
Weekly: £28.40
Monthly: £104.80
Three Monthly: £297.60
Six Monthly: £598.00
Annual: £1,071.00
Saturday: £4.90
Sunday: £3.50
Note:From 1st June - new off peak evening rate (after 18:00) - £1.50
- Number Accessible Spaces1
- Accessible Spaces Note
Parking is free for disabled customers displaying a valid Blue Badge in any car parking space
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentNo
- CctvYes
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces5
- ShelteredYes
- CctvNo
- Annotation
You may leave your cycle in the rack provided however you do so at your own risk.
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0345 322 7021 or Text relay 18001 0345 322 7021 Freephone 0800 783 4524 or Text Relay 18001 0800 783 4524
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Staff help available opening hoursMon-Fri 06:40 to 20:00
Sat 09:00 to 15:50 - Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
platform 1
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible Taxis
Accessible taxis are available to book
- Accessible Public Telephones
Public telephones are not wheelchair accessible
- Nearest stations with more facilitiesHerne Hill
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
Category C. This station does not have step free access. Steps to all platforms.
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo