Trains from Ryder Brow
to Chelsfield
Ryder Brow to Chelsfieldby train on average takes 4 hrs 13 mins
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Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 45 minutes
- First train leaves Ryder Brow at 06:57
- Last train leaves Ryder Brow at 18:56
Book your tickets
Ryder Brow to Chelsfield train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration |
Ryder Brow facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeNo
- Smartcard IssuedYes
- Smartcard ValidatorNo
- Smartcard Comments
More information at www.northernrailway.co.uk/smart
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
- Facilities
- Car ParkNo
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting RoomNo
no shelter only
- Station BuffetNo
- ToiletsNo
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off at bus stop on Ryder Brow Road, east of the station, before Highgate Crescent.
- Toilets
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing Levelunstaffed
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/08002006060 - Open
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
- Information Available From StaffIf the station is unstaffed, please contact the customer relations team or onboard staff
- Information Services Open
Information available 24/7 through the customer experience centre 0800 200 6060
- Customer Help PointsNo
- Ticket gatesNo
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces0
- ShelteredNo
- CctvNo
- TypeCompounds
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
- Staff Help AvailableNo
- Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible Public Telephones
The highest operating part of the telephone is 1140 mm above floor level.
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
- Category C Station
Services towards Manchester :Level access through a 100cm wide gate and down a stepped ramp (36 paces, 1:14 slope) through a 90cm wide gate onto the platform. Services towards New Mills and Sheffield : Level access through a separate 100cm wide gate and down a stepped ramp (36 paces, 1:14 slope) through a 94cm wide gate onto the platform.
To find our more about travelling around this station, please see the 360 map click here
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
No designated area is provided. Street set down only available.
Chelsfield facilities
- Ticket office
- Ticket OfficeYes
- Prepurchase CollectionYes
- Ticket MachineYes
- Oystercard TopupYes
- Oyster Comments
Oyster cards with a pre-loaded deposit only are available from ticket office. Top-up only from self-service ticket machine(s)
- Smartcard IssuedYes
- Smartcard TopupYes
- Smartcard ValidatorYes
- Smartcard Comments
Seasons, Single and Return tickets are now available digitally on The Key. To find out more or apply online, go to www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/tickets/the-key or get a smartcard from all staffed Southeastern ticket offices.
- TravelcardZone 6
- Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for SE
- Facilities
- Car ParkYes
- Seated AreaYes
- Waiting Room
Heated waiting area in booking hall only available when staff are present
- Station BuffetYes
Selecta vending machine
- ToiletsYes
Booking Hall - Available during staffing hours
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Baby ChangeNo
- TelephonesYes
- Wi Fi
- Post BoxYes
Outside the station
- Rail replacement locations
- Towards Sevenoaks: Bus stop B on Warren Road by the junction of Station Approach. (what 3 words: family.towers.games).
- Towards Orpington: Bus stop A on Warren Road opposite the junction with Station Approach. (what 3 words: hers.shin.chart)
- Toilets
- AvailableYes
- Location
Booking Hall - Available during staffing hours
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Staffing and customer services
- Staffing LevelPart time
- Lost propertyYes
- Contact Details
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0345 322 7021 - AvailableYes
- Operator NameSoutheastern Customer Services
- Information Available From StaffYes - from help point
- Information Services Open
Train running Information and advice on how to get assistance available through the Help Point.
- Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Announcements - Customer Help PointsYes
On platform
- Ticket gatesNo
- Parking
- Contact Details
Season permit holder and disabled parking only at this station, no daily or weekly parking is available
Email Address: general.enquiries@apcoa.com
Url: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/0330 333 9232 - Operator NameAPCOA Parking
- NameStation Car Park
- Spaces37
- ChargesDaily: £0.00
Weekly: £0.00
Monthly: £92.20
Three Monthly: £271.20
Six Monthly: £543.00
Annual: £999.00
Saturday: £0.00
Sunday: £0.00 - Number Accessible Spaces3
- Accessible Spaces Note
Parking is free for disabled customers displaying a valid Blue Badge in any car parking space
- Accessible Car Park EquipmentNo
- CctvYes
- Bicycle Facilities
- Spaces24
- ShelteredYes
- CctvNo
- Location
Bike parking available on Platform 1 and 2
- Annotation
You may leave your cycle in the rack provided however you do so at your own risk.
- TypeStands
- Accessibility
- Helpline
0345 322 7021 or Text relay 18001 0345 322 7021 Freephone 0800 783 4524 or Text Relay 18001 0800 783 4524
https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ - Staff help available opening hoursMon-Fri 06:10 to 19:30
Sat 08:15 to 15:00
Sun 08:15 to 13:00 - Induction LoopYes
- Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
station forecourt
- Height Adjusted Ticket Office CounterNo
Counters can be raised or lowered to suit all customers
- Ramp For Train AccessYes
- Accessible Taxis
Accessible taxis are available to book
- Accessible Public Telephones
Public telephones are not wheelchair accessible
- Nearest stations with more facilitiesOrpington
- Accessible toiletsNo
- Step Free Access
Category B2. This station has a degree of step-free access to the platform, which may be in both directions or in one direction only - please check details - Step free access to platform 1 from Station Approach Rd. Steep ramp to access Platform 2 from Warren Road. Step free interchange via road and steep paths is in excess of 400metres. Step access between the platforms is via a footbridge.
- Ticket GatesNo
- Impaired Mobility Set DownNo