Trains from Woodley
to Knaresborough
Woodley to Knaresboroughby train on average takes 2 hrs 58 mins
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Route info - Did you know!
- Trains depart every 37 minutes
- First train leaves Woodley at 06:23
- Last train leaves Woodley at 19:20
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Woodley to Knaresborough train times
Departs | Arrives | Train | Duration | ||
Woodley facilities
Ticket office
Ticket OfficeNo
Prepurchase CollectionYes
Ticket MachineYes
Smartcard IssuedYes
Smartcard TopupYes
Smartcard ValidatorNo
Smartcard Comments
More information at
Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
Car ParkYes
Seated AreaYes
Waiting RoomNo
no shelter and canopy only
Station BuffetNo
Accessible toiletsNo
Baby ChangeNo
Wi Fi
Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off at bus stops on Hyde Road. (SG3783 towards Manchester, SG3782 towards Romiley).
Accessible toiletsNo
Staffing and customer services
Staffing Levelunstaffed
Lost propertyYes
Contact Details
Url: -
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
Information Available From StaffIf the station is not staffed please use our helpline 08002006060
Information Services Open
Information available 24/7 through the customer experience centre 0800 200 6060
Customer Help PointsNo
Ticket gatesNo
Contact Details
Url: -
Operator NameNorthern
NameStation Car Park
Number Accessible Spaces0
Accessible Car Park EquipmentYes
Bicycle Facilities
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560 -
Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
Staff Help AvailableNo
Induction LoopYes
Accessible Ticket MachinesNo
Ramp For Train AccessYes
Accessible TaxisNo
Accessible Public Telephones
The highest operating part of the telephone is 1140 mm above floor level.
Accessible toiletsNo
Step Free Access
- Category C Station
Services Towards Manchester : Level access via path and through a 3ft wide gate to the left of the old station building and onto the platform. Services Towards Rose Hill : Turn left from entrance onto Manchester platform and walk 20 yards to the footbridge, up 23 steps, across the footbridge and down 23 steps onto the platform. Access also down long stepped ramp with 8 steps with rise of between 2 and 10cm rise at least 225cm apart, from Station Road close to junction with Hyde Road.
To find our more about travelling around this station, please see the 360 map click here
Ticket GatesNo
Impaired Mobility Set DownNo
No designated area is provided. The station front may be used for set down purposes.
Wheelchairs AvailableNo
Knaresborough facilities
Ticket office
Ticket OfficeYes
Prepurchase CollectionYes
Ticket MachineYes
Smartcard IssuedYes
Smartcard TopupYes
Smartcard ValidatorYes
Smartcard Comments
More information at
Penalty FaresPenalty fares apply for Northern
Car ParkNo
Seated AreaNo
Waiting RoomNo
Station BuffetYes
The Old Ticket Office
Cafe situated on the station platform
Accessible toiletsNo
Baby ChangeNo
Wi Fi
Rail replacement locations
Pick Up / Drop Off at the service bus stops on High Street close to the traffic lights at the road junction. (Station side for Harrogate, opposite side for York).
Accessible toiletsNo
Staffing and customer services
Staffing Levelunstaffed
Lost propertyYes
Contact Details
Url: -
Open 0700-2200 7 days per week
Information Available From StaffIf the station is not staffed please use our helpline 08002006060
Information Services Open
Information available from Help Point 24/7.
Passenger Information SystemsDeparture Screens
Announcements -
Customer Help PointsYes
Ticket gatesNo
Bicycle Facilities
Next to subway access
0800 138 5560 text relay 18001 0800 138 5560 -
Helpline opening hoursMon-Sun 24h
Staff Help AvailableNo
Induction LoopYes
Accessible Ticket MachinesYes
Cards Only - No Cash Accepted
Ramp For Train AccessYes
Nearest stations with more facilitiesHarrogate
Accessible toiletsNo
Step Free Access
- Category B Station
Step free access at this station, but not entirely obstacle free. Step free access to both platforms via short ramps from separate entrances. Step-free access between platforms is via a pedestrian level crossing with hinged, locking gates (controlled by the signaller in the adjacent Signal Box), or a steep route via the street (300m), in places without a pavement. If you are using the level crossing, please allow sufficient time before your train as the gates are locked shut when trains are arriving, departing and when terminating trains from Leeds are shunting from one platform to the other.
To find our more about travelling around this station, please see the 360 map click here
Ticket GatesNo
Impaired Mobility Set DownYes
Not suitable for wheelchair users as there are steps leading to the platforms. However, there is step free access from the car park onto the station entrance.