What time do trains stop running on New Year's Eve?
If you’re planning a last minute trip on New Year’s Eve to see your family or go on a romantic getaway with your partner, you’re likely wondering whether there are any trains running on this day. Worry not - our useful guide on New Year’s Eve train travel will help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
When can you expect trains to be running until on New Year’s Eve?
The 31st of December, or New Year’s Eve 2023, falls on a Sunday. You should expect some disruption and check before you travel. Services may end slightly earlier on this day, so make sure you count this into your travel plans.
On New Year’s Day, or the 1st of January 2024, train services will be limited, with no services in the North East. For the most up to date information please visit our disruption page.
Make sure you use our Journey Planner to avoid any inconveniences on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and make it to your celebrations in time.
How to get cheap tickets & great deals for your New Year’s Eve journey
Northern offers a wide variety of tickets to suit all of your train travel needs, while still offering you incredible deals. Have a look at our Advance tickets and save up to 65% on your next journey, or travel together and save up to 25% with our Duo Train tickets